Yoga Teacher Training








What Are The Qualities Of A Good Yoga Teacher?

A good yoga teacher is loving and fully delivers.


A yogi lives in love and a yoga teacher bases his teachings on it. It means you have love for what you are doing to your students and the traditions. A good yoga teacher puts his/her heart to class and can connect with every student to give the best of themselves, so that the students can benefit from a harmonious and beautiful practice. A good teacher transmits with his/her attitude that is yoga. Love makes them the service of others, understand and be sensitive to their needs. Yoga teachers know what their students are experiencing and are always attentive and can feel their efforts. While they are trying to take each day a little further, prompting to relax their mind and body, helping to deepen the positions, trying variations, overcoming fears and mental limits, and always will of a loving and trusting way. Delivery means that a class is an opportunity to share a universal knowledge and that the teacher is merely a vehicle. A good yoga teacher puts his/her ego aside.


A good yoga teacher is always positive.


I do not know how to define it, but there are some yoga teachers who shine like the sun and this makes us catch their positive vision and enthusiasm. It is something like that their love extends to life and celebrates every manifestation of all, and every step of growth, being something wonderful. In addition to this release and sensitivity to make students feel protected and in a place of tranquility, it is also important to make students feel happy and motivated. Yoga teachers lets them feel themselves in your own skin and make you feel the same. They do love their practice, flow with life and love in the process. A yoga teacher should have a very good energy that makes students feel comfortable and happy and this is associated with a good attitude, a conscious life and a nice thought.


A good yoga teacher is an inspiration.


The role of yoga teacher is not being a spiritual guru, but he/she is a figure that shows students beyond some positions. You do not have to be an enlightened, but he/she has some wisdom to share with you and make you want to be a little better. This includes the above features i.e. that he/she is loving and positive and also has a bit of sweetness of the universe and is in a plane a little higher. He/She has a positive energy that lifts the students and spreads and that makes them feel a little more detached and free, closer to infinite being with much love to give and reasons for live and be happy.


When you are studying yoga in India, you can find a great number of such yoga teachers or with even more qualities.

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